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Interpretation of textile fiber raw materials, yar
发布时间:2017-11-24 09:19:03

(1) Cotton (Nep)


Appearance: The fabric is similar to the size of the connector cotton fiber group, and the Department of spinning into the yarn. If you unplug it, the yarn is broken or will be broken to the state. Low-grade raw cotton into a roving, often such flaws.


Causes: 1) There is dead cotton fiber in raw cotton, which is not completely removed during the process of clear flower. 2) The needle of cylinder or needle board is not sharp enough or the gap between the two is improperly set and the carding effect can not be fully exerted.


(2) Cottonseed (Seeds)


Appearance: cotton or cotton fiber blended embryo cloth, there is a very small black or dark non-fibrous pieces of fiber points.


Causes: 1) Ginning In the separation of cotton fiber from cottonseed, the end of the fiber with cottonseed husk, or cottonseed, is crushed and incorporated into the raw cotton. 2). The process of clearing flowers failed to completely remove the cottonseed skin.


(3) Crude (Slub)


Appearance: The warp or weft of the fabric, occasionally a short length of about 5 to 20mm than the normal diameter of the coarse yarn, the normal number of twist than the speckled fiber cluster.


Causes: 1). When rovings are fed into the worsted fabric, the density of the fibers is not uniform and there is a smaller, dense, dense bundle of fusiform fibers. 2) The spinning machine and the apron of the spinning machine failed to control the roving fed uniformly.


(4) Flyer


Appearance: Rough and similar, but its thick, not as crude slender, fiber clumps. The yarn is slightly retreated, without breaking the yarn.


Cause: Fiber yarn floating in the air between the yarn groups, or accumulated in the machine fed to the table near the fiber groups, wrapped around the yarn.


(5) Cockled Yarn


Appearance: In the length of about the width of the fiber section of the yarn, there is a large gap between coarse. The thickness of the yarn changes like bamboo, usually in the weft roving fabric is more common, it is also known as bamboo weft.


Cause: Spinning machine set spinning roller tight, roller cover is too loose, fed roving occasionally different length of the fiber.


(6) Uneven Yarn


Appearance: Long-term observation of the fabric, woven into the yarn uneven thickness of the phenomenon. Generally occurs in the weft.


Cause: Spinning machine spinning out of yarn, due to drafting failure, or poor performance, spun out of the yarn in a period of time, there are slightly rough when there are slightly less.


(7) Cloudd of Weaaving


Appearance: Significantly uneven count of wefts, coarse or thin when weaving just concentrated together to form a sheet, the appearance of cloth pieces like clouds, it said Yunzhi.


Cause: Weft irregularities in the regularity, weaving in the weft arrangement and just coarse or thin together.


(8) Fiber Spot


Appearance: dyed fabric, a very small amount of fiber in the fabric is not colored, or colored lighter, while showing the pan white.


Causes: 1) There are dead cotton fibers in the cotton fiber. 2) In the spinning process, due to negligence or improper control, mixed with a very small amount of polyester fiber, non-use of disperse dyes in dyeing, and non-high temperature dyeing, the polyester fiber is not colored.


(9) Different Lot Numbers (Different Iots)


Appearance: chemical fiber or chemical fiber processing silk fabrics, blended yarn fabrics, count the thickness and density are in line with the provisions, but after dyeing, between the warp or weft, there is a clear distinction between the color depth.


Cause: 1) Although the use of weaving the same number of Denim wire, but different manufacturing lot number. Due to the absorption of different colors, or scalability, bulk inconsistencies, after dyeing, there are different color depth. 2). When used in weaving blended yarn, although the count and density in line with the provisions, but the yarn blended fiber rate is different, there are differences in color depth after dyeing.


(10) Poor steaming yarn:


Appearance: A 疋 E / C blended fabric, the desizing, scouring, bleaching, cloth width and width of the gap varies.


Cause: Blended yarn in the yarn after the tube, the need to use high-pressure saturated steam in a closed container heat treatment to stabilize the yarn properties. Such as steaming yarn temperature or lack of time, failed to make the yarn shape, then cooking and bleaching cooking, the fabric showed a horizontal cross section of a tight, a period of relaxation of the phenomenon.


(11) White spots:


Appearance: dyed fabric, the fabric showing uncolored fiber clusters, especially those who dyed in the dark more significant.


Cause: Occurred in the middle and lower grades of cotton dyeing cloth, cotton yarn formed in the dead cotton fibers, in refining, mercurial vapor pas cher, mercurial, mercurial vapor pas cher, mercurial, mercurial, mercurial vapor Dyeing due to the kind of dead cotton fiber color is very poor, it is difficult to dye and appear white spots. Recently, the following 20Ne cotton spinning at the beginning of the woven fabric, often occur in dyeing.


Woven weaving defects interpretation:


(1) Wrong Yarn


Appearance: In the knitwear hair, the horizontal continuous loop, made of gauze with coarse or thin yarn. Generally more than a single, but even there are many parallel or interval more. Depending on the density, thickness and normal are different.


Cause: knitwear weaving, the operator misuse unspecified number or Danny specifications yarn weaving. Misuse of thinner yarn, the fabric appears thin. Misuse of coarse yarn, the fabric appears dense.


(2) Wrong End


Appearance: woven warp yarn has a single or parallel number of non-specified specifications of the thickness. If it is a thinner yarn, it is called Fine End. If thicker yarns, the title is coarse (Coarse End).


Cause: In the warp taken through the warp bobbin count error, the use of non-specified specifications warp. Such flaws are often omnipotence.


(3) Wrong Pick


Appearance: woven fabric of the weft, there is a continuous or multiple non-specified specifications of the thickness. If it is a thinner yarn, it is called Fine Pick. If the thicker yarn, called coarse weft (Coarse Pick).


Cause: During weaving, the weft of the weft tube or the number of bobbins fed by shuttleless loom is wrong, and weft yarns of non-specified specifications are used. Operators found that more to be dismantled. However, automatic pipe loom, it is often not easy to find.


(4) Wrong Weaving


Appearance: the weave method is wrong, the texture of the cloth is different from the original designer. For example, left twill weave into right twill.


Cause: Mostly caused by wear errors. Other such as Jacquard pattern board error, multi-specification warp warp fabric arrangement error.


(5) and by (Wrong Draw)


Appearance: The two adjacent warp and together, according to fabric as a woven into the cloth. Depending on the root (actually two) yarn is particularly thick. Such flaws are all the same, such as the beginning of the warp knitting found that the removal of one of the juxtaposed, can be completely avoided.


Causes: 1). Warping the moment that the two will be neglected as a root. 2) sizing unsolved yarn, two stick together, forming the same root. 3) .When wearing two heal the same heald.


(6) Weft (Mispick)


Appearance: Weft two woven into the same weaving mouth, even there are three or more root. And the length of the latitude vary in length, with full width fabric, and in the vicinity of 10 cm above the edge of the cloth more.


Causes: 1). The fabric of the whole length of the latitude and longitude, due to stop troubleshooting, did not check the weaving mouth drive. Or weft probe failure, weft not stop. 2). In case of non-full-width weft, due to the insufficient length of the safety yarn, the setting of the side cut is not proper or not sharp enough and the tail of the yarn is not cleared after weft cutting.


(7) Set Mark, Fine


Appearance: Weft arrangement on the fabric density than the provisions of scarce. The weft yarn weaving in one section along the length of the fabric gradually becomes thinner from the normal density and gradually regains its original density from the thinnest to form a sparse cloth with a uniform width.


Causes: 1). Weft probe failure, no weft yarn continues to idle pass. 2) Warp tension control is improper when weaving. 3). Shut down and then drive the warp tension adjustment is too tight.


(8) Close Road (Set Mark, Coarse)


Appearance: Weft arranged on the fabric density, the provisions of more intensive. The weft yarn weaving in one section along the length of the fabric is gradually denser and denser by the normal density, and gradually recovers to its original density from the denier, forming a dense cloth with a constant width. Causes: 1) Warp tension control improperly when weaving. 2) Shut down and then drive the warp tension adjustment is too loose.


(9) Pick-Out Mark


Appearance: Embroidery weft yarn removal is not good, and then continue weaving, there are still traces of cloth.


Cause: Weaving in the fabric, the workers found that weft into the weft, or weaving a serious road, thinning, immediately shut down the woven weft cut off. At the time of demolition, the warp yarns are subjected to the rubbing off of the weft yarns, resulting in a large amount of hairiness. Therefore, after the rewinding, the warp yarns have a multi-hairspray with the same width and width.


(10) Broken End (Broken End)


Appearance: The warp yarn of the fabric is broken by one or more pieces, causing the distance between two adjacent yarns on the left and right to become larger. In plain weave, it becomes two broken yarn side by side, as and through. In the twill fabric, the cloth pattern there is intermittent phenomenon.


Causes: warp yarn weaving off, self-stop device failure, not to warp properly connected and continue weaving.


(11) Broken Pick (Broken Pick)


Appearance: weft yarn in the fabric is broken, but the distance between two ends is very close, that is, the length of the broken is smaller. Such flaws are generally not significant.


Causes: 1) weft in the weaving in the fracture, but the moment still continue weaving, only a short distance. 2). Weft with serious coarse and fly, etc., in the demolition of the weft caused rupture.


(12) hundred feet (lack of latitude)


Appearance: This flaw occurs only in twill weaving, warp yarn in the same part of each complete organization, while floating in the cloth, like a set of centipede of the feet.


Cause: Twill woven into a less weft, the interwoven point to reduce, part of the two consecutive floating in the weft on the yarn. (13) End Snarl


Appearance: One of the warp yarns in the fabric, with a small amount of twisting and twisting weave into the fabric. In the strong twisted yarn woven fabric is more prone to.


Causes: One of the warp yarns is too loose during warping, causing a curl for some time.


(14) Filling Snarl


Appearance: fabric weft has a small twisting twists and turns woven into the cloth. In the strong twisted yarn woven fabric is more prone to.


Cause: 1) Weft bobbin or weft yarn used in the cheese, there is a small amount of yarn curling twisting phenomenon. 2) Weft tube forming is not properly, when the yarn is not smooth. 3) Weft tension is too small, weaving mouth open unclear.


(15) Reed Mark


Appearance: Between the two warp yarns of the cloth, there is a large space between them, and weft yarns weaved in can be seen. They are jagged by the effect of reed dents.


Causes: 1) The reed dent deform, failed to control the warp positioning, or dents loose. 2) There is one root or interval in the warp yarn, too much tension in weaving.


(16) Temple Mark


Appearance: There are about 2 to 5 centimeters wide in the cloth edge of the acupuncture or acupuncture Scratch marks. In serious cases, the weft yarns in the area are wavy.


Cause: Needle holder of the needle thickness should not be used, and the support ring thorn ring stuck can not be rotated, or slewing is not smooth enough.


(17) rolling shuttle


Appearance: Near the edge of the cloth, there are many consecutive broken through the root, though the received properly, but in the weaving after the fabric there are still many tail, and joints woven cloth, rare anomalies.


Cause: The shuttle is caught in the shed, because of the cut off a lot of warp. More by the poor structure of the shuttle, picking and opening movement is hindered by the formation. Now use the shuttleless loom, you can avoid the occurrence of such defects.


(18) Reedness


Appearance: The two warpresses are crowded together, the gap between the left two and the right two increases, and the weft yarn forms a small checkerboard grid.


Causes: 1). When weaving knitting opening angle too large. 2) The upper and lower two layers of warp tension difference is too large. 3) Reed dents arrangement of uneven density.


(19) Yarn Tail


Appearance: On the cloth or cloth at the edge, there is left a cloth tail end of the yarn.


Cause: Due to the warp or weft breakage, the yarn tail is not properly cut off. Or loom to cut the edge of the loom, not for yarn tail cut off.


(20) Connector (Knot)


Appearance: There are close knotted coarse size balls on the cloth.


Cause: after the warp or weft breakage joint, hit the knot is too large, protruding from the cloth.


(21) Jumping (Float)


Appearance: warp or weft not woven in accordance with the provisions of the organization, while floating on the cloth who.


Causes: Opening angle of the weaving opening is too small, or heald hanging uneven, and a few special warp relaxation.


(22) Cobweb


Appearance: The verdict of warp or weft, with the continuity of the parts of the jump yarn, leaving a part of the fabric without intertwined points, the formation of mesh.


Cause: with the yarn with the same, only more serious.


(23) Weaving Hole


Appearance: Warp and weft yarn rupture, the formation of different sizes of holes. Such defects occur in the more dense latitude and longitude of the fabric.


Cause: shuttle friction, licker hold fishing hanging, will make the latitude and longitude fracture, and also shuttling can warp collapse. (24) Slack End


Appearance: a woven into the cloth in the warp, in its interwoven parts, more than normal convex and concave cloth, there is the phenomenon of arching up. More commonly known in the factory that rib.


The cause: a single warp yarn woven less tension, or the warp yarn after the warp yarn is too loose.


(25) Slack Filing


Appearance: a weft into the cloth in the fabric, in its interwoven fabric site, more normal than the convex fabric, there is the phenomenon of the arch upward. Generally not obvious.


Cause: a single weft yarn, woven less tension.


(26) Tight End


Appearance: A pattern in the pattern is more flat, interlacing points have the phenomenon of concave cloth, twill, satin fabric is more obvious, can lead to serious uneven cloth.


Cause: One of the warp yarns wears too much tension in the weave, or the warp yarns are too tight after the yarns are broken.


(27) Tight (Titht Filling)


Appearance: a weft in the cloth is more flat, interwoven point concave cloth phenomenon. Such defects are relatively rare, both more tight than not obvious.


Cause: weft withdrawal or withdrawal is not smooth, accidentally weaving in the tension suffered too much.


(28) Crack


Appearance: The number of parallel with the number of warp or weft, into a curved slope, the formation of the gap.


Cause: Larger coarse, fly, shrinkage, weft shrinkage, after the removal, the warp or weft not adjacent to the card comb comb close.


(29) Repair root


Appearance: Weaving has serious flaws, although ruled out, repaired, but there are still traces.


Causes: Mention, thinning, dense roads, etc., although the repair by comb steel combs, but the arrangement of the yarn is still not normal, and the phenomenon of bending.


(30) Teariness


Appearance: Weft yarn in the fabric is not straight, a small area